All Leagues can be found on League Planner where results should be recorded and Captain’s details / Club Addresses / Competition Secretaries’ details can be found via the following link:
Fixtures Secretaries should have distributed instructions for entering results and informed Captains of where to find full versions of all relevant documents relating to Leagues which replace the handbook.
Start / Finishing Times
After discussion around start/finishing times and best practice concerning unfinished evening matches at the AGM, please follow these guidelines/rules to assist with completing matches:
- Match courts are booked well in advance in accordance with Club’s booking system.
- All players arrive at the match venue at least 10 minutes before the start time. Late arrival can cost you sets or even rubbers.
- Captains mutually agree a sensible finishing time allowing for Daylight hours or use of floodlights (in accordance with the home club’s policy). Failing mutual agreement play shall cease not later than 9.00pm plus two games if a result could be obtained.
- If there are time restraints, take into account a finish time which allows for two games to be played as above.
- Floodlights are encouraged to be used (with mutual agreement) maximising time to obtain a result.
- Enforce Rule 15 ‘If any player is NOT ready to play within 20 minutesafter the time fixed for the commencement of the match, it is mandatory that one love set shall be conceded in the rubber from the player is absent, and if 40 minutes late, the rubber shall not be played and the opponents shall receive two love sets. If the player is still absent by the time the final round of rubbers is due to commence, then his or her team shall also incur a penalty of one point deduction from its points total for the season.
- Players keep to a strict five minute warm up. Late arrivals should not expect any warm up.
- Play is continuous and without unnecessary delay from the first service until the rubber is completed.
- Engage in general conversation during change of ends. There is plenty of time for this during post match refreshments!
- Delay in starting the second rubber, allowing only for a bathroom break and drinks refill.
- Spend time looking for a lost ball or wander off to retrieve one that has gone a distance, until a game has finished.
If the above guidance is followed then the majority of matches should be completed.
Format of ALL Summer Matches
- Only two rounds shall be played in which each rubber shall be the best of two tie-break sets (see Rule 18e)
- Each team player needs to be registered as an LTA Advantage Member (previously BTM) to play in NK competitions (see Rule 4a)
Match Protocols
- Arrange team: 6 players for Mens and Mixed matches.
4 players for Ladies and all Midweek Veterans matches
- Order of Play – 3 pair matches ie Mens and Mixed is as follows (Rule 18b):
Home 1 v Away 1 Home 1 v Away 2
Home 2 v Away 3 Home 2 v Away 1
Home 3 v Away 2 Home 3 v Away 3
- Order of Play – Midweek Mixed Vets League (Mens 045 / Ladies O40)
Home Mixed 1 v Away Mixed 1 Mens Doubles
Home Mixed 2 v Away Mixed 2 Ladies Doubles
- O70s Mens League: One O65 Player (if they have reached the minimum age or will do so by 31 December in the Calendar year in which the Competition starts) is permitted to play in each match.
- Home teams must ensure they have four new ITF approved tennis balls per court.
- Without detracting from the competitiveness of your team, ensure that court etiquette and proper conduct are observed during the match.
- Match teas and refreshments to be provided by the Home team but is down to mutual agreement by each Club and should be agreed at least 3 days before the match.
- Home Team must fill in the result card in every detail, not forgetting:
Full names of the players of both teams Date of Match
Names of the Clubs Competition & Division
Total rubbers, sets & games Signatures of both Captains
Home Team Captains must ensure they send the completed match card via WhatsApp to the relevant Competition Secretary / Group within 24 hours. They are also required to enter all results onto League Planner. Competition Secretary details can be found below.
Away Team Captain must check that the card has been filled in correctly and sign it, only when completely satisfied. Both Home and Away teams must take a digital copy in case the original match card is mislaid.
- Away Team Captain must check that the result has been correctly recorded on League Planner and notify the relevant Competitions Secretary with any issues.
- Only the Competition Secretary should confirm the match to allow for any mistakes to be corrected.
- Should the match be postponed, or not completed, for any other reason, you or your Fixtures Secretary should notify the appropriate Competition Secretary immediately and then inform them of the rearranged date. The future rearranged date is to be agreed within three days.
Competition Secretaries
Mens & Mens Veterans: Andy Hanks – 07980 620158
Ladies: Maria Perfect – 07919 003423
Mixed: Matt Perfect – 07964 721007
ALL Midweek Veterans: Gill Nason – 07771 816194 (Result cards should be sent directly to Gill)
Over League Planner Administrator
General Queries: John Townsend – 07863 859567