Online publishing of Results (Mixed only)

North Kent are piloting publishing ongoing results online for the Mixed Doubles Leagues this Winter.

This will enable up-to-date results to be viewed during the season so that club officials, team captains and players can follow their team(s)’ progress in relation to other teams during the season. All online results will be ‘Provisional’ until published as ‘Final’.

If teams are level on points, Rule 22 will be used to determine positions at the end of the season.  Rule 22 will not be applied automatically to the online results tables due to technical limitations.


Online submission of Results (Mixed only)

Team captains (Mixed only) now have the option to send a photo of the signed Result Card using WhatsApp to speed up the results process.  All captains using WhatsApp have been requested to use this option.

Results Cards must also to be sent to the relevant Competition Secretary within 24 hours of the completion of the match, as normal, during the Pilot.

If the Pilot proves successful, it is the intention that ongoing results will also be published online for the Men’s and Ladies’ Doubles Leagues in Summer 2018.



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